How to be more confident? Build your confidence- 10 tips

How to be more confident? Build your confidence- 10 tips

How to be more confident? Build your confidence- 10 tips

How to be more confident? Build your confidence- 10 tips

Today we're getting into 10 tips to increase and build your confidence instantly and let's get right into it. 

Take more pride in your appearance

This is about how you dress, groom, and carry yourself. In general, I'm not talking about you have to have a suit and tie on, but get clothes that fit good, which makes you feel confident about your appearance. Don't wear baggy clothes with fitted clothes, that do not accentuate the highlights of yourself. Wear clothes that you think you look really good in.

What I'm talking about is when you start taking pride in your appearance, you start to take pride in certain areas of your life, you'll start to take more pride in yourself as a whole and when you do that you'll become more confident as a person because you'll feel like you deserve more respect. 

How to be more confident? Build your confidence

Don't waste time 

If you waste your time it shows you don't value it, and if you don't value your time, you don't value yourself. So, that means stop with the six hours on Facebook a day, stop dilly-dallying a word around. When your alarm goes off in the morning, get up, take action immediately and I'm not saying you got to be like Mr hyper-efficiency here but just cut out the things that are completely wasting your time, that doesn't get you where you want to be. 

If you allow your time to be sucked up by those kinds of things or those kinds of people who waste all your time then clearly you don't respect yourself and again if you don't respect yourself you're not gonna have self-confidence.

How to be more confident? Build your confidence- 10 tips


This is scientifically proven to work and changes your internal chemistry. You're gonna look better, feel better, and you've disciplined yourself in this area which again comes down to respecting yourself.

The real key to self-confidence is about self-respect because if you respect yourself you'll become more confident. After all, you'll just see yourself as that kind of guy who deserves more respect, and people will respond to you in that way.

How to be more confident? Build your confidence

Eat well (Goes along with exercise) 

This is going to affect the hormonal levels in your body, which affect how you feel, the amount of stress you're feeling, anxiety, depression things like that. Plus, you're again going to look exceptionally good. Eating well tones your body and mind which makes you feel good about yourself.

How to be more confident? Build your confidence

Don't make excuses 

This leads to the victimhood mentality. If you're making excuses all the time you're never going to win and clearly, you're not very confident about your ability to win in the world when you're blaming other people because, you think other people have power over you. 

So stop making excuses take accountability, even if it seems unreasonable just take massive accountability over your circumstances.

Remove negative people from your life 

You need to be focused on the kind of energy you're allowing into your life, have people who uplift you, who are positive influences in your life. Don't have negative people who make you think that your plans and dreams are not good and tell you why they're not going to work, because that's going to lower your confidence. 

It doesn't matter, how confident you are, at some point other people's opinions are going to affect you in some ways. You want to make sure that you're cultivating the right kind of relationships around you so that you can continue to bolster your confidence. That usually comes down to people who are confident about themselves because if they're confident in themselves and comfortable in themselves they're more than happy to encourage you and uplift you. 

Don't hesitate to remove people from your life who are not good for your life, that's also part of being confident because you can find better people to be in your life or you can rather be on your own because you appreciate your own company more and you don't need a bunch of people who are wasting your time. 

Take control of your life to decide on purpose and goals 

If you're not taking massive accountability for your life, like, where you're at and where you want to go, how do you expect to be confident? Sometimes it feels that people think that there should be a magic pill to make them super confident, but confidence isn't like a "high-state". The same way you could smoke a joint and you'd be high off marijuana, instantly. It does not work like that. 

Confidence is an amalgam of different things that you do on a day-to-day basis that makes you confident as a person. No one thing will suddenly make you confident, you got to put in the work to become confident, that means taking control of your life, decide on purpose and goals. What do you want to do, what do you want to aim for, because that'll trigger a fire inside you, you'll be more confident and consequently, you'll put yourself out of your comfort zone because you'll be chasing something that really matters to you and when you get out of your comfort zone, you get more confident. 

Step out of your comfort zone 

Which is what I just addressed to, the more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you realize how much more of you there is, compared to what you actually think. When you do that your confidence is going to grow because your ability to do things has improved. 

You're going to be a lot more comfortable with being uncomfortable as well and that's also part of being confident because you'll become confident, that you can find solutions in situations that you're not comfortable in.

How to be more confident? Build your confidence

Learn to say no 

Warren Buffett said that the best thing he ever figured out how to do was say no to about 90 of the opportunities that were thrown his way. Saying no is extremely important because it comes down to valuing your time, partly, also because it's about not being a doormat. If you can't say no to people, you're not going to respect yourself and if you don't respect yourself, you don't have confidence. If you're not saying no to things you need to say no to, it's because you don't have confidence in yourself to mean what you say. 

It's very important to learn how to say no. Train it into you, take baby steps start saying no, you can honestly practice it in the mirror just looking directly ahead and looking yourself in the eye and saying no, imagine somebody's telling you to do something you don't want to do. Say no, get comfortable with those confrontational situations. Start looking people in the eye more that'll also help with raising your confidence.

Learning to fight

As a man, if you just take three to six months of martial art, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, or anything that just teaches you how to handle yourself and how to use your body as a weapon, if the moment comes. First of all, you're going to be significantly less likely to need to do it but also you're going to be more confident to be in confrontational situations. What I mean is most guys do not know how to fight, so if you're in a fight with one guy and he probably doesn't know how to fight either, you'll just feel a lot better. You'll have the upper hand because you'll know deep down like how to move around.

When you see somebody who seldom plays basketball and a guy who practices a lot, you'll notice that the guys who know how to handle the game, he's having fun with it and he just feels very comfortable that he can do what he wants to do with the ball. It needs to be the same with your body, if you learn how to fight, you'll be a lot more comfortable saying no and being in a confrontational situation and not being a doormat which is very important to having confidence especially as a man.

How to be more confident? Build your confidence

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