How To Develop Strong Habits with 7 Easy Steps - Better Being
95% of
everything y'all do is a result of your habits which could be helpful or
hurtful. This is the seven-step formula for developing a strong habit! The
question is what is the time period to form a new habit into your daily
The period can be any length from a single second to several years,
the speed of new habit pattern development is largely determined by the
intensity of the emotion that brings the decision to start acting in a fitting
way. For example, putting your hand on a hot stove or touching a live electrical
wire will give you intense and immediate pain, the experience may only take a
split second but for the rest of your life, you will have to develop the habit
of not putting your hand on hot stoves or touching live electrical wires. The
habit will have been formed immediately and remain lastingly.
refer to this as a significant emotional experience sometimes they call it
"SEE" a significant emotional event. Any experience of intense joy or
pain combined with behavior can create a habitual behavioral pattern that may
endure for the rest of a person's life,
According to the experts, it requires
about 21 days to eradicate or establish a habit pattern of medium complexity,
by this we mean simplistic habits such as getting up earlier at a definite
hour, exercising each morning, listening to podcasts in your car, going to bed
at a certain hour, being punctual for appointments, these are habits of medium
complexity that can be quite easily developed in 14 to 21 days through practice
and repetition over the years. A simple strong proven methodology has been
defined for unique habit development. You can practice it to develop any habit
that you fancy over time, you will find it more comfortable and more natural to
develop the habits that you want to unite into your personality.
Clearly Decide On a Specific New Habit
You must
make a decision, decide clearly that you are going to begin acting in a
specific way whenever that behavior is required. For example, if you decide to
develop a habit of rising early and exercise each morning, set your clock for a
specific time, and when the alarm goes off quickly get up put on your exercise
clothes and start your exercise session.
When you decide to develop a new habit
and are determined about it, your brain signals and reacts to that particular
stimulus which will trigger you to act in a certain way. Decide the stimulus
that you face daily and specify what those stimuli will trigger you to do.
Never Allow Exception
Never let an
exception to your new habit pattern while the developmental stages. Don't make
excuses or rationalizations, don't let yourself off the hook. If you resolve to
get up at 6 a.m.each mornings, discipline yourself to get up at 6 a.m. every
single morning until this becomes automatic. If you start taking an exception
on a new habit during its formative stage, you get casual about it. Your brain
starts to take it as not so mandatory habit and doesn't really care about it.
Even if you follow it for a week after taking a day off from it, your brain
will still take it lightly since you broke the habit in its initial stage
itself. Let the habit develop till a stage where it becomes your routine then
you might wanna take an off cause at that point the habit becomes your routine
so it's not gonna be so easy to break. Focus on your developing habit and be
invested in it completely.
Let Others Know About Your Goal
Tell others
that you're going to begin practicing a particular behavior. It's amazing how
much more disciplined and determine you will become when you know that others
are watching you see if you have the will power to follow through on your
resolution. This is something that is innate in every human, our performance
gets better or we are likely to behave better when we know we are being
monitored and then we put the best of us in that particular activity.
Same goes with the exercise of developing a
new habit, when we are being monitored we are likely to accomplish our
resolution because our brain thinks that if we don't complete the task that
others are aware you're pursuing, it will put you down in front of them.
Though, it hardly matters what other people think of us, but works quite well
with respect to developing a new strong habit.
Visualize Yourself Behaving a Particular Way
To develop
in your new habit visualizing yourself performing or behaving in a particular
way in a particular situation is very effective in developing a new strong
habit. The more often you visualize and imagine yourself acting as if you
already have a new habit, the more rapidly this new habit will be accepted by
your subconscious mind and eventually become automatic.
Everyone knows how
visualization works well and how effective it is. So, Apply it in your habit
development routine as well. Your subconscious would more likely to accept a
habit pretty fast when you not only act but visualize yourself forming that
particular strong habit. Every morning make it a routine to visualize those
habits and that you are very comfortable with performing habits.
Create Affirmations
Create an
affirmation that you repeat over and over to yourself, this repetition dramatically increases the
speed at which you develop a new habit. For instance, you can say be like
"I get up and get moving instantly at 6:00 a.m. each daylight", keep repeating these words over and over
until you sleep. In most cases, you will automatically wake up minutes before
the alarm clock goes off at 6:00 a.m., and eventually, you will require no
alarm clock at all.
Affirmations just confirm the fact in our mind that we are
serious about it and sends signals to our brain that we are gonna do it very
seriously. While developing a new habit, affirmations are one the easiest way
to trick your brain into doing something. Ask people who are close to you to
keep reminding you about those new habits that you have decided on, tell them
your affirmations and your plan, it's gonna force you to achieve those strong
Persist Until It Becomes Automatic
Persist in
the new behavior until it is so programmed and easy that you feel uncomfortable
when you do not do what you have determined to do. Keep doing something over
and over until it becomes a routine, for example, eating food, bathing daily,
these are some habits that if we don't do then we feel something is missing or
That's how much you want to be determined to develop a new habit that
you feel uncomfortable when you don't do that. Adopt that habit as it's the
only thing that's keeping you alive. Associate that habit with some emotion so
that you remember it every time that emotion comes into you. Habits are things
that work automatically, we don't need to work hard on them when those habits
are formed. So, during the development stage of that habit, be determined, and
keep persisting until it works on auto-mode.
Reward Yourself
yourself a reward of some kind for practicing the new behavior and habit. Each
time you reward yourself, you reaffirm it, reinforce the behavior. Soon you
will start associating that habit or behavior in your unconscious that each
time you di it, it rewards you. You set up your own force-field of positive
consequences that you unconsciously look forward to as a result of engaging in
the behavior or a habit that you have decided upon.
Most of us have heard about
Pavlov's classical conditioning, it works the same way but on a different
tangent. When we get used to rewarding ourselves for a particular behavior, our
unconscious forces us to do that over and over again, which results in the formation
of new habits. The brain wants to feel good and that reward will make it feel
good and our brain will program itself to think that some particular habit
fetches us that reward, so it will reinforce you to engage in that particular
behavior all the time.
Remember 95%
of what you achieve in life or don't achieve is because of your habits either
good or bad, the rule is to form good habits and make them your masters.
Develop new strong a good habits, turn it into your routine, these good habits
will definitely help you in the long term. Habits are formed for the longer
term, so don't be short-sighted and look for immediate gratification. I hope
all of you start working on developing new strong habits immediately that will
serve you for a lifetime. Lots of love!
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