9 Factors & Strategies- How to boost Self-esteem & Confidence
tips for improving self-esteem, everyone can benefit from these tips.
Self-esteem is a characteristic that truly shapes your life, self-esteem builds
confidence and allows you to just be who you are. It allows you to be your true
self in every way so with that said here are ten powerful principles to improve
your self-esteem and boost your feelings of self-worth through continued
Be aware
that just knowing the info about to reveal won't be enough to raise
self-esteem, you have to actually go through the motions and practice. By
taking action on these tips you'll definitely feel a lot better in time. Well,
just dive right into factors and strategies to boost your self-esteem and
Stop comparing yourself
Everyone at
one time or another has looked at your neighbor's friend's family member or
co-worker with envious eyes. When you've been enamored with someone else's big
salary, picturesque family life, perfect looks. Everyone on occasion falls
victim to feeling inadequate as a result of someone else's
accomplishments. If you want to improve your self-esteem, the very first thing
you need to start doing is throw this habit out the window. Stop comparing
yourself to other people be your "own" person and love the skin
you're in.
When you compare yourself with others only two possible outcomes can arise. The first outcome is you compare yourself with someone less fortunate than you, this can bring about feelings of gratitude where you learn to appreciate what you have and this scenario can have the effect of actually boosting your self-esteem which is good. The problem is when you become habitual with this comparing mentality, you start more often comparing yourself with people who have qualities you don't possess, like, more money, less weight, fancier cars, attractive counterparts, career, children.
There are endless factors that decide who we are and when you start comparing yourself with other people you'll tend to focus on factors that you envy rather then the strengths and fortune that you already possess.
Keep your thoughts positive
We all have
this constant monologue running through our brain and it's just impossible to
turn off that inner voice. If you're constantly thinking negative
thoughts, that reinforce feelings of low self-esteem, the result will be just
that. Do not fall into the habit of self-deprecation or talking down to
yourself. Look for your strengths in everyday life and make it a practice to
continually pat yourself on the back for all the amazing qualities you've
got. Create a habit of self-appreciation. You can begin this by
congratulating yourself on every victory or success, no matter how small. Every
little self compliment will add up to greater feelings of self-worth.
Try using affirmations, an affirmation is simply a way of asserting your confidence with a statement. When you repeat an affirmation you're essentially confirming a belief in yourself out loud and might feel silly the first time you do it but it really is a healthy way to exercise your self-esteem. One of the easiest ways to use affirmations is to make a small list of positive factors in your life.
Quick example, you could say, I'm an excellent listener, a talented artist, a hard worker, a kind person, whatever just list out the qualities that make you feel good about yourself and feel proud as you reflect on your good fortune. Feel good to be you.
Accept all compliments with thank you
A lot of
times you'll receive a compliment and respond with oh it was nothing or it's no
big deal. I want you to know that this is a huge way to sabotage
self-esteem. When you essentially refuse a compliment, you're telling
yourself that you're not worthy of a compliment, you devalue yourself.
The action of turning down the compliment by brushing it off sends a message to your subconscious brain, which in turn lessens your confidence and feelings of self-worth. You're reinforcing the bad by not embracing the good. Rather, accept every compliment with thank you, it's a simple answer that will allow you to feel just good about yourself and satisfy the person giving the compliment. Remember, you can't lose by just saying thank you.
Find positive input
It is so
important to engage in activities that make you feel good like
reading books that inspire you, watch movies that make you laugh one. Watch
some kind of motivational or inspirational clip on YouTube every week,
something that really puts your mind in a hopeful positive light.
Another way to find positive input is to create a new challenge for yourself. This could be something like learning a new language, mastering a scale or just working towards self-improvement in some area of your life.
Associate with supportive people
lowers self-esteem faster than associating with people who make you feel bad
about yourself. Unfortunately, this is a common scenario for people with low
self-esteem, they tend to group with people who they seek approval
from. It's a scenario that sabotages self-worth because they'll always be
worried about what members of the group think of them. Break this habit
by finding people who love you.
Hang out with people who accept you unconditionally and respect who you are and by the way people won't respect you for who you are until you respect yourself for who you are. So, work towards that goal first.
Make a list of past successes
A great way
to exercise self-esteem is to celebrate all of your past successes. Take
the time to write down all your accomplishments. No matter how small and just
bask in the light of your achievements, seeing your success on paper it
can make even the smallest victory more gratifying.
You'll also want to list your positive qualities much like the last tip seeing how awesome you are on paper is great. However, this tip has the added bonus of showing you what kind of person you are. By knowing your strengths you'll be able to focus on actions that give you positive results in life. This works well in both personal life and business.
Do good for others
Day to day
life presents us with opportunities to do good deeds for others. It
could be someone who needs help opening a door, someone who needs help finding
exact change for that vending machine. Whatever the situation it doesn't matter
how big or small choose to help when you can and you'll feel better
for it.
Find your passion
We all feel
better when we're productive, Find your strength, know where your
skills pack the biggest punch. Find your passion in business, volunteer work,
school, or study and fortify your feelings of self-worth. Everyone has a
talent, everyone has a skill, know yourself, and follow your heart.
Be true to yourself
true to your character in any situation is what defines your integrity. Be
moral, be kind, and strive to do the right thing in any situation. When
you have a strong moral compass you'll always be comfortable in your own
skin and remember don't let fear and anxiety hold you back from good
self-esteem. Take the time every day to work on it using the strategies
outlined here and you'll be well on your way.
Most people
suffer from low self-image, it's not due to what others think about us but
rather because of what we think about ourselves. Everything that we experience,
feel and perceive has its root inside us. Nothing originates from outside, it
starts from you, your insides. That's how you grow and pave the way for
success. Thinking negative and always stressing your mind can cause a lot
of difficulties which don't even exist. Our mind likes to think, it can be
good or bad, it's up to you to control your mind to see the positive in every
situation and outcome. When you start seeing the good, the good starts coming
to you.
This universe works like a magnet, what you sow inside is what you're gonna reap. Be aware of everything around you, be the inside or the outside, although give priority to the inside first. That way even the outside can't lower your self-esteem and confidence. Have a good day ya'll. Lots of love!
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