11 Signs a Major Life Change is Coming | Positive Life

11 Signs a Major Life Change is Coming | Positive Life

Signs a Major Life Change is Coming | Positive Life

There's a feeling recently that your life's about to change, so these are 11 signs to know for sure.

Feeling annoyed

Getting annoyed on the littlest things, everything seems to be annoying you, if so, then your life may be about to change because what happens is you can no longer vibrate at that old vibration. You're now in a new frequency and so anything that's coming in as an old vibration or that you haven't let go of, that's exactly why it's so annoying. Think about it those things that have annoyed you before, the negativity, the odyssey's, that's a major sign that life is about to change.

Coming out of isolation

This happens when we start clearing our field and we're on our spiritual path. We start to go into isolation and this is a natural thing for us to be able to understand where our energy is, we go into sort of isolation and start growing ourselves. 

One of the signs that you're coming out of isolation is when you start engaging with your friends again or with new friends, because often during the spiritual journey we are releasing those people around us that just aren't matching our vibration. So, if you've noticed that you're starting to be okay with being in the public and new friends or you're starting to engage more, that's a major sign that your life is about to change.

Feeling anxiety, excitement, and frightened

Sometimes you can't pinpoint the reason for these feelings and this is because you're coming to a place where you sort of feel that particular vibration going. It's like a train, when the train starts moving and it's pulling stuff with it as it takes momentum. That feeling of anxiety and excitement is because you don't know where you're going but you know that you're going and you're excited about it but a little anxious too because all those thoughts from the past come into the picture but then it's a major sign that things are changing for good.

Getting synchronicities

Seeing 111, 222 or 333 is a major sign that you are aware that your vibration is closed. When you start seeing synchronicities like that this is just the universe telling you that you're headed in the right direction. It is the universe's way to let you know that you're in the field or the matrix and manifesting stuff. This phase that you were in, you were releasing stuff so these synchronicities are the universe and spirits way of saying "hey you are aware of this and you're on the right track". That's a major sign that your life is about to change.

Feeling lost

Even though you have the anxiety and the excitement you're still feeling lost, for example, what am I supposed to do next, I thought I have cleared everything, I thought I knew everything, I thought I was headed in the right direction and now nothing's coming and you're just sort of feeling lost. That's a huge sign because when we start to clear our field and work on our spiritual path and then learn what we want and start creating the universe becomes the hardest and because we live in space-time it's a matter of phases so feeling lost is a major indication that your life is about to change.

Knowing life is calmer

You feel like that calm after the storm, not before the storm.  Knowing what you want to do but not knowing exactly how to do it but just kind of knowing that this is where you want to go. It's kind of that calm feeling of "it's okay if I don't know exactly how to do the next step but knowing that this is where it's just right."  Knowing that you've been through hell and back and it doesn't matter what comes through to you, you're going to be able to handle it, that's another major sign that your life is about to change. 


All of a  sudden you'll start getting opportunities, the littlest ones, and the big ones, you'll start receiving them. People will pop into your life, you'll meet somebody and somebody introduces you to someone else, or you just happen to be in the right place, at the right time. 

These opportunities are a huge sign that your life is about to change and don't deny those opportunities because even though you didn't think of those things happening to you or were expecting something else but it's gonna get you to the place that you wanted to be at. If you start receiving opportunities even the little ones as it starts small first, engage in those, and accept those.

Major breakdowns

This is a major one because even though things are calmer and all of that excitement is there but you still get wound so tight sometimes. Being a human you'll have these huge breakdowns, where it feels like giving up, not knowing what to do, where to go which gets you all wound up and you break down but don't lose hope since t's part of the process. 

What happens is breaking down releases that residue in your vibration because in our physical self we can only hold that much energy and vibrations. Even though we are powerful being still in our physical self we can only hold so much energy, so holding on to this residue and holding onto past things stops your manifestations.

Lots of physical symptoms

You'll get headaches and backaches and feel like staying in bed and be constantly at the doctor because the body's vibration is changing. Your energetic field is changing, moving into that more expanded vibration, you need to grow into the next one so it's gonna feel uncomfortable. That's a major sign that your life is about to change.

Dreams of flying

Not everybody has these but a lot of you will have these types of dreams so if you start dreaming of not just flying but actually going from the ground and jumping into flight or anything similar in your dreams, that's a major sign that your life is about to change. Another sign is dreaming of having loose teeth or falling teeth, for some of you, those are major signs that life is about to change. Not everybody has such dreams that but a lot of people do.

Huge crisis

Some of you will lose a home, some of you will be just moving to another home, some of you will change cars, some of you will change jobs, some of you will change loved ones and it's a lot of little stuff that that becomes one major big shift. Even though it does not feel good remember it's needed and wanted for what you want to achieve.

I hope all of you get a positive change in your life. Stay strong and keep working on yourself. Trust the process. Everything will work out well. Share this with people who would want to see this. Lots of love!

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