What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind | Positivity

What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind | Positivity

What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind?

What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind

Where ever we look around us we find tension, anxiety, stress, and strife. Our scriptures tell us that this world is the veritable form of God himself, it has been created by God and he is all-pervading it. If God is pervading this world, how then can it be the cause of our tensions, what doesn't let us attain our peace of mind? Just as a spider extracts the web from within itself, in other words, the spider itself becomes the web. Similarly, God extracts the elements of creation from within his being which means that God himself becomes the world and hence this world is not different from him.

How is this world so full of problems? We all want peace of mind, but often fail to achieve it. Our minds endlessly circle around everything that could possibly go wrong. Even when we achieve something or solve a problem, we just start to worry about the next thing. Problems are real: we can lose our job, illness can strike, relationships fall apart which disturbs our peace of mind. It feels like our worries will never change and we’re all alone. We tend to blindly follow this way of thinking, even if it’s unhelpful and makes us miserable.

What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind

The Vedas inform us that the tension we are experiencing is because of another world that is the world within ourselves, the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, aspirations, attachments that we harbor in our own mind, that is the cause of problems and that is what disrupts our peace of mind. Hence, we may run away from external objects but if the desire for them remains within, we will still not be at peace and if some fortunate soul can extinguish the inner desires and purify the mind while living in the midst of material situations, that person will find perfect peace of mind and tranquility in life.

Ultimately, tranquility and anxiety both come from our own minds. To overcome anxiety, we need to build up good habits based on a realistic and much-more farsighted outlook. Simply put, if we want peace of mind, we need to think differently. “Guard your mind,” the Buddha advised. We shouldn’t believe everything we think, but take responsibility for ourselves and actively deal with our problems. Just as we’ve all got the ability to learn new skills or languages we can also train our minds to cultivate happiness and peace of mind through meditation  If we spend a moment every morning to set ourselves up for the day ahead, guarding our minds becomes second nature: something that naturally arises whenever we’re frustrated or low.  Start meditating to attain your peace of mind.

What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind

To start your meditation, take three deep breaths. Imagine your anxieties as a black balloon: all the fears, hopes, disappointments, and jealousy. We can burst this balloon by thinking more realistically and using compassion as a tool. Consider the following facts for a few minutes.

1. Interdependence - It's not all about “me”, everything arises from countless causes and conditions. We can't blame just one person or situation for our unhappiness - not even ourselves. Most of the things that we encounter are out of our control. we shouldn't let something that is not in our control disrupt our peace of mind.

2. Impermanence - Sooner or later, everything has to change. Life goes up and down and we will never be able to control everything. So why to worry and let your brain wander and put your peace at stake?

3. Compassion - We are not alone, every other human on earth has problems, too. Realizing these truths destroys this balloon of anxiety. Imagine a bright light taking its place and rest a little in this peaceful feeling. This short meditation helps turn our mind from self-centered thinking towards a more compassionate view: Caring for other people, however, is scientifically proven to reduce anxiety. We all feel the natural urge to change the people and the world around us, but the key lies within our own hands – it’s when we change ourselves that we find true peace of mind.

What Is And How To Attain Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is not an external thing, peace of mind means giving up desires for material objects from within. One may be sitting in a cave in the Himalayas and still be attached because the mind is hankering for material objects and somebody else may be in the busiest part of the metropolitan cities and still be detached if the inner mind is cleansed. So, spirituality and peace of mind are not about changing the externals it is about our lamenting the internal with divine qualities with divine virtues.

Also Read:  Power of Subconscious | 5 ways to Reprogram and Heal Mind

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